Abbot, Willis John. Notable Women in History: The Lives of Women Who in All Ages, All Lands and in All Womanly Occupations Have Won Fame and Put Their Imprint on the World's History. Philadelphia: John C. Winston; London: Greening, 1913. London, 1914.

See How To Make It as a Woman, 250-51, 253, 263-64.

TOC: Agrippina; Aspasia; Cornelia; Cleopatra; Hypatia; Empress Theodora; Zenobia; Katherine of Aragon; Anne Boleyn; Mary Tudor; Mary Queen of Scots; Lady Jane Grey; Queen Anne; Queen Elizabeth; Catherine II of Russia; Christina, Queen of Sweden; Isabella of Castile; Maria Theresa of Austria; Marie Antoinette; Charlotte Corday; Empress Josephine; Hortense Bonaparte, Queen of Holland; Louise, Queen of Prussia; Catherine de Medici; Mme Roland; Queen Victoria; Countess du Barry,; Countess of Blessington; Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland; Mme du Deffand; Ninon de L'Enclos; Mme Recamier; Marquise de Pompadour; Mme de Maintenon; Mme de Stael; Sarah Jennings, Duchess of Marlborough; Mlle De la Valliere; Theodosia Burr; Susan B. Anthony; Elizabeth Cady Stanton; Lucy Stone; Julia Ward Howe; Florence Nightingale; Clara Barton; Frances E. Willard; Anne Hutchinson; Lucretia Mott; Mary Baker Eddy; Harriet Martineau; Charlotte Cushman; Nell Gwyn; Jenny Lind; Mme Ristori; Mrs. Siddons; Peg Woffington; Sarah Bernhardt; Adelina Patti; Louisa May Alcott; Jane Austen; Rosa Bonheur; Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Mary Ann Evans; Margaret Fuller; Charlotte Bronte; Harriet Beecher Stowe; George Sand; Mme Dudevant; Mme de la Ouida Ramee; Helen Hunt Jackson; Mary Lamb; Frances Trollope; Martha Washington; Dolly Madison; Joan of Arc. *Pop Chart.

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